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Ghost Song Game Review

The deserted moon of Lorian V is an area where you can find history, fascination and terror. Awaken on the surface from a long slumber and explore the caverns that wind beneath to discover secrets, gain new capabilities, and take on strong opponents. Begin by meeting the sleepy, lost people of Lorian V and hear their terrible tales. Only you can discover the truth when you go through all this.
The “Metroidvania”, a challenging and rewarding game is both fun and satisfying.
Discover a vast, isolated world that is connected and full of mystery and discoveries
Accurate, reliable controls
The theme of loneliness, and lonely
Fully recorded NPCs with full voice.
Learn new weapons and powers to uncover completely undiscovered regions.
Pets can undergo a mystifying evolutionary processes if you provide the right treatment.
Touching story of family, resilience, forgiveness and closure

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